
Upcoming changes to ASX shares trading costs

To maintain our high level of service, we are introducing a monthly ASX share CFDs, market data fee effective as of 1st of September 2020.

Who will be affected by this change?

The incoming changes affect only traders using ASX Share Market data from their MT5 platform.

From the month of September, if you have access to the ASX Share CFD Market data from your MT5 platform during any day of the month for one or multiple times, a market data fee will be applied to your account at the end of the month.

Please noteThe data market fee will also be applied if you do not trade, but only access the market data.

If you trade ASX Share CFDs from the month of September, a minimum commission charge will be applied to your trades.

If you do not access ASX Share Market data and you do not trade ASX Share CFDs you will not be affected by this change.

What is the Market Data Fee and how is it applied?

The market data fee is a fixed $22 AUD per month. This fee is charged once per calendar month directly to your account, at the beginning of the following  month in which you accessed the market data. If you have multiple accounts and/or if you access the market data multiple times, you will only be charged once. If you have multiple profiles accessing the data you will be charge one per profile.

If you have access to ASX share CFDs market data you do not need to make any changes to your account, this charge will be automatically applied each month.

How much is the minimum commission fee on ASX Share CFDs?

Regardless of the value of your trade, starting from the month of September you will be charged a minimum commission fee of $7 AUD per single trade  on the spot on your account.

When does this come into effect?

From the 1st of September 2020 the minimum commission fee will be active for all clients trading ASX Share CFDs and will be charged automatically on the account.

The monthly data fee will be applied at the beginning of the month of October to all traders who have accessed the market data during the month of September and so forth.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact one of our support team members via Live Chat, email: support@icmarkets.com, or phone +61 (0)2 8014 4280.

Kind regards,

IC Markets

